Texas Academy 4 - Job Openings

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The BHBC Worship Leader is responsible for overseeing all musical aspects of the worship service, planning appropriate rehearsal of musicians, praise team/ensemble, and vocal choir. The target ministry is the BHBC congregation and the community that the church serves. Major Responsibilities:A. Coordinate Sunday morning worship services and special servi....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

10-08-2021    Part Time

Good Shepherd embraces both traditional and contemporary worship styles, while seeking to "join Jesus on His mission." Our vision is to prepare people to serve in our community and the world so more can find a meaningful relationship with Jesus. The worship leader will contribute to this vision of preparing people to share Jesus with others by lea....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


05-11-2022    Part Time

The Church Engagement Manager is responsible for recruiting new church partners to Academy 4 and working to maximize their participation and engagement in the program to the benefit of the church. The Church Engagement Manager will work closely with the program director, program managers, and the rest of the Academy 4 support team.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-29-2022    Full Time

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