Oak Grove Church - Job Openings

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The Executive Assistant is responsible for the administrative and other support of the Minister of Operations and, by extension, the Lead Pastor. The primary function of E.A. will be performing administrative support including: data management, reports, and communications with various staff and ministry leaders on behalf of the Minister of Operations. A....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

09-12-2023    Part Time

Generations is looking for the right man or woman to head up our worship arts area. This individual should possess musicianship (the ability to lead vocally with guitar or keys) and creativity (an ability to think about and try new things).This position will require 10-15 hours/week with most weeks leaning more toward 10.Our church can probably be categ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


10-29-2021    Part Time

PURPOSE: The youth pastor is responsible for the ministries, programs and activities related to youth ministry that includes both Junior and Senior High groups. This role will also be responsible to work with the Lead Pastor on youth discipleship.COMPETENCIES & EXPECTATIONS: A disciple committed to humbly living under the authority of Christ. Demons....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

01-24-2022    Full Time

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