Grace Place Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Duties and Skills: Schedule volunteer musicians and audio-visual operators to provide leadership and support for congregational singing Schedule and prepare singers, instrumentalists, and audio-visual operators for a regular schedule of special music Plan weekly worship services in blended, contemporary, or traditional styles, consistent with the reform....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

01-06-2023    Part Time

Mount Carmel Baptist Church Minister of Music (salaried part-time) Job Description A. PRINCIPLE PURPOSE o The Minister of Music is responsible for developing and promoting a comprehensive music ministry within Mount Carmel Baptist Church. B. QUALIFICATIONS o The Minister of Music will be a Christian o Will have definite call to the ministry ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

03-25-2024    Part Time

Grace Place Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK is prayerfully seeking a full-time Student Pastor who loves students and their families and is passionate about reaching and discipling them. Vision for the student ministry and student pastor: It is the dream of the student ministry of Grace Place, under the Lord's leadership, to mentor students who....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-01-2024    Full Time

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