Meadows Baptist Church - Job Openings

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The Church Triumphant is a nondenominatinal Charismatic family worship center nestled along the north brank of the Potomac River opposite Cumberland, MD, a town with a suburban feel. TCT was founded in 1987. Current membership of about 75-90. Our mission is to worship with passion and serve with excellence, to save sinners, disciple believers, and eq....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-11-2023    Full Time

Summary: We are prayerfully looking for a well-seasoned, kind hearted, Jesus loving individual to lead our church family in our Sunday and overall worship experience. He will develop and implement an overall ministry that will promote, within the congregation, uplifting and biblically sound worship experiences. We are looking for someone who will be ava....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-16-2021    Other

Meadows Baptist Church (MBC) is looking for a Worship and Communication Pastor to join our team in East Plano, who will be well compensated. Meadows has been in existence for 60+ years and is currently located on a beautiful 27-acre debt free campus where the church relocated in 2001 across the street from one of the largest high schools in America....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - SBC

03-10-2022    Full Time

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