McMicken Heights Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Abundant Life Assembly of God is looking for a full-time Connections and Young Adults Pastor that will oversee, assimilation, first impressions, outreach, home groups, and young adults. We are all about loving God, loving people, and loving life. Our vision for this is to be fully engaged in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Our Spirit-fi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

07-27-2021    Full Time

Grace Avenue United Methodist Church in Frisco, TX seeks a Director of Finance and Operations. Position is full time. The successful candidate will handle oversight and coordination of all Business Operations of Grace Avenue including: all financial operations (Church member Contributions, Accounts Payable, Banking, Credit Cards, Debt, Financial Reporti....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-28-2022    Full Time

Job Overview: McMicken Heights Baptist Church, located in a changing suburb south of Seattle, is looking for a pastor who will develop and implement a vision to reach and make disciples in our multi-ethnic region. The prospect of leading a small congregation to reach its community and world for Christ must energize him. His strong communication skills,....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

09-23-2021    Full Time

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