Trinity Baptist Church - Job Openings

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The Pastor to Children position is full-time and responsible to the Senior Pastor and the personnel committee. The job will entail the following children's responsibilities along with one additional area of ministry, based on giftedness. 1. Design and implement a discipleship plan/curriculum for children and families. 2. Oversee and be actively in....more


Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

05-09-2023    Full Time

We are looking for a man to live with his family in our community to be able to interact with the local population and events. We support missions and desire to reach our local community with the gospel. Therefore, he must have a similar goal. He must lead in preaching, teaching, and counseling as required. We are a theologically conservative, Bible bel....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-24-2024    Part Time

About TrinityTrinity Walla Walla, officially Trinity Baptist Church, is looking for a part time Worship Director. We are a casual and contemporary church that prioritizes the clarity of the Gospel and the preaching of the Word. Our mission statement is "Taking steps together to love God and make him known." Our guiding values can be found at trinitywall....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

01-18-2022    Part Time

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