Clear Lake Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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West Carthage Baptist Church in Carthage, MS, is seeking a full-time senior pastor. The man our Lord has selected will preferably have a degree from an accredited seminary and some experience as a pastor. He must have a strong marriage, possess solid organizational skills, have a strong desire to love and shepherd this congregation and community and c....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-01-2023    Full Time

"Emma Church is a vibrant, friendly, bible-based Anabaptist congregation located in a scenic, rural setting with the potential of reaching the unchurched in nearby communities which include Lagrange, Shipshewana, and Topeka, Indiana. With a variety of school districts represented within our congregation, the Westview School Corporation is located withi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


05-26-2024    Full Time

The NextGen Kids Director facilitates the sharing of faith from generation to generation through a team-oriented, integrated strategy aimed at accomplishing the vision of CLPC to embrace every person, empower every life, and engage every neighborhood – with special emphasis on families with children from birth to fifth grade. You can see more about the ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

08-31-2022    Full Time

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