Southridge Church - Job Openings

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Parkside Church, a new church plant in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, is seeking a full-time Director of Worship to lead a blended Sunday worship service and while helping guide midweek spiritual formation. Salary is $40,000 annually with insurance reimbursement, paid-time off, and guaranteed yearly raises. You can learn more about us at www.parks....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

11-03-2021    Full Time

Summary of Position:To provide an atmosphere through the vehicle of contemporary worship where God's people can connectwith Him in an authentic way. This position is responsible for the heart, quality, and execution of the portionof all services called worship. This role is the leader of all things worship. This position requires the person tolead the w....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


04-21-2022    Full Time

At Southridge Church, care ministry is not just about setting up a meal train, or sending out prayer requests. Care happens every day, all over the city. As the Care Director, you will be charged with not just coordinating the resources and delivery of care to our congregation, but with building a culture where we seek to be the hands and feet of Chri....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


01-20-2022    Part Time

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