Heritage Fellowship Church - Job Openings

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The Central Fellowship Church is currently seeking a Youth Leader to serve as part of our ministry team as we extend God's love to the Youth in our church and the community around us. The Youth Leader would be responsible to lead and oversee the spiritual growth and development of the Youth grades 6th – 12th. Other ministry jobs would include assistin....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-16-2021    Part Time

Covenant Grace Church is a recent church plant in northern Colorado Springs, seeking a part time Music Leader/Director to help us make disciples of Jesus Christ. The Music Leader will work closely with the elders and pastor to select music that will edify the body, complement the Scripture and message of the day. This vital team member will lead the co....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-20-2024    Part Time

The Senior Pastor of Heritage Fellowship Church (H1743) must have passion and an excitement for the Lord. Prayer must be an essential focus for this individual, along with a dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the ministry of Heritage Fellowship Church. This individual's daily life must also reflect the joy of the Lord.The Senior....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


06-01-2022    Full Time

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