New Beginnings Christian Fellowship - Job Openings

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Part-time Pastor in a non-denominational church which provides a cross-denominational setting for people to worship and grow closer to Jesus Christ, to one another, and to our community. Membership is less than 50 people. Primary responsibilities are conducting/leading regular Sunday worship services and serving as administrative leader of the church. ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:
Not Specified


01-08-2024    Part Time

Cedar Ridge Christian Church is an Independent, non-denominational, multi-campus church located outside of Tulsa, OK. in a suburb called Coweta. The church is led by a group of Biblical Leaders we call Elders. Attendance presently runs around 150 each week. Currently, the church offers two Sunday services, 9:00am and 10:30am, both of which are identical....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Christian Church

01-17-2022    Full Time

New Beginnings Fellowship of Minneapolis, Kansas is seeking to fill the position of pastor/church planter. After a tornado struck the church in 2022 and the former pastor leaving later that year, the church has declined in attendance. However, the building has been completely restored and the faith and vision of the congregation is stronger than ever. A....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


02-28-2024    Part Time

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