First Baptist Church of Plains KS - Job Openings

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Director of Media Position Summary: Life Source Church is looking for a talented individual with a strong commitment to Christ, to excellence, and a heart for working with volunteers. You will demonstrate an ability to oversee a media ministry with initiative and innovation, accomplish tasks efficiently, meeting key deadlines; while recruiting, train....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Church of God

02-22-2023    Full Time

PurposeChrist Community Church is seeking a Full-time position responsible for overseeing all aspects of student ministries K-12. The candidate will be primarily responsible for Junior and Senior High programs (6-12) with secondary responsibilities regarding the K-5 programs.QualificationsThe youth pastor must have a love for God, a love for teenagers, ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-21-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a bi-vocational or part time pastor with a paid salary working on average about 20 hours per week. We desire a pastor to prepare and deliver Bible based sermons, lead in the observance of ordinances, and help plan and co-ordinate Sunday services. We seek a pastor that will add new growth to the membership and will help enable and equip ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

01-22-2024    Part Time

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