Christ Church on Harvard - Job Openings

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Community Church of Rolling Meadows is seeking a Senior Pastor. The duties of the Senior Pastor shall include the following responsibilities, and any others, which the Church and the Pastor shall agree upon: A. To preach the Word of God (1 Timothy 4:13); B. To administer the sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper; C. To provide general ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-22-2023    Full Time

The Senior Pastor of Heritage Fellowship Church (H1743) must have passion and an excitement for the Lord. Prayer must be an essential focus for this individual, along with a dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the ministry of Heritage Fellowship Church. This individual's daily life must also reflect the joy of the Lord.The Senior....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


06-01-2022    Full Time

Job Description: Accountant – 32 to 40 hours/week with benefitsPosition Summary:The full scope Accountant will be responsible for:1. Receiving, recording, and depositing all funds received in a timely and confidential manner2. All business transactions, including managing general ledger transactions and transfers, accounts and reconciliation, A/P and pa....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


03-13-2024    Full Time

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