Hood River Alliance Church - Job Openings

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JOB DESCRIPTION: Support and broaden the ministry of the First Presbyterian Church of Lewisburg by providing spiritual leadership to Middle and High School-aged youth in our congregation and community. This ministry is broad based, including a variety of activities involving youth, from formal meetings to informal support and discipleship of youth and ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

10-28-2021    Full Time

New Life Methodist Church in Salado, Texas is seeking a part-time Music Director. Our growing church needs someone who can play keyboard & direct congregational singing. Contact Pastor Tom Lathen @ (254) 899-5680.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


07-05-2023    Part Time

Click the link to view our job profile, Hood River profile, church profile, as well as instructions for applying. Please follow the instructions (i.e., no random emails and no phone calls). https://bit.ly/HRACPastorSearch....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

05-24-2023    Full Time

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