Primera Iglesia Bautista-Las Cruces - Job Openings

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100 - 250

Worship Style:

05-24-2023    Full Time

The First Baptist Church of Mt. Holly, located in Eastampton, New Jersey is prayerfully seeking a Senior Pastor. The church, which stands on the Word of God, is located in a suburban setting on 12.5 acres. We are blessed to serve in a diverse, multi-cultural and intergenerational community that includes neighboring small towns and cities, local farms ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

11-13-2023    Full Time

Primera Iglesia Bautista (PIB) de Las Cruces is in search of a pastor DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide Bible-based instruction and discipleship Be involved in pastoral care ministries for the congregation of PIB To provide supervision to PIB's ministries and provide support to its leaders To ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

01-30-2024    Full Time

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