Hillside International Truth Center, Inc. - Job Openings

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First Pres is seeking a talented, enthusiastic Children's Ministry Associate Director (CMAD). The CMAD is responsible for assisting the Children's Ministry Director (CMD) in leading and managing the Children's Ministry at First Pres. He or she must have a growing faith, a heart for children, and have experience with recruiting and retaining volunteers.....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

10-05-2021    Part Time

SEE FULL JOB POSTING AT: https://justchurchjobs.com/job/3873/executive-pastor-sowebo-community-church * This role encompasses a wide variety of skill sets. You are encouraged to apply if you have 75% of the skills needed in this role as some duties could be shifted to administrative staff or volunteers. Candidates have a preferred 3 years experience ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


05-01-2024    Full Time

1. LIVE In-person and Pre-Recorded Services. Responsible for designing, filming, and editing all videos (promotional videos, announcements, message series bumpers, sermon videos, testimonials, etc.) that support weekend services and all church ministries. Must collect information (storyboards, ideas, graphics, event details, testimonies) and manage the ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


10-15-2021    Full Time

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