Waynoka Methodist Church - Job Openings

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We are prayerfully in search of a part-time Student Pastor to oversee the ministry of our students, grades 6-12. We have a small, but faithful group of teenagers that are very involved in small groups, worship, and volunteering in different areas of ministry within the church. The Student Pastor will oversee all areas of the ministry, coordinate teacher....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

03-16-2023    Part Time

Chestnut Grove Presbyterian Church in Phoenix (Jacksonville), MD is looking for an experienced, qualified candidate to oversee and bring together program development, family ministry, digital and written communications, and office support.This full-time, multidisciplinary position stewards Sunday activities/education for children and youth; works closel....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

03-15-2022    Full Time

Located in the rolling sandhills of Northwestern Oklahoma the Waynoka Methodist Church is seeking a dedicated, full-time pastor to lead and shepherd our flock.  We recently disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church and are looking to continue following traditional Wesleyan Theology according to the Holy Scriptures.We are praying for someone who pre....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-29-2024    Full Time

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