Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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The Central Fellowship Church is currently seeking a Youth Leader to serve as part of our ministry team as we extend God's love to the Youth in our church and the community around us. The Youth Leader would be responsible to lead and oversee the spiritual growth and development of the Youth grades 6th – 12th. Other ministry jobs would include assistin....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-16-2021    Part Time

Suzhou International Fellowship (SIF) is an English speaking church comprised of brothers and sisters from more than 30 different countries. SIF's vision is to encourage expats in Suzhou to live, love, and lead like Jesus. Suzhou is a modern city of 12 million people (30,000+ expats), with an ancient history of more than 2000 years. Most of those in att....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


12-19-2022    Full Time

Solo Pastor, Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, DeWitt, NY Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a solo pastor who is spiritually grounded, intellectually curious, compassionate, and forward-thinking. PHPC has a history of community engagement and a commitment to social justice.  Our congregation thrives on preaching that enriches and prope....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-12-2023    Full Time

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