Realife - Job Openings

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Hello! Cornerstone is a non-denominational Christian / Protestant church in Waynesville, NC. ( Cornerstone is looking for our next Worship Leader / Pastor We are looking for a guy to lead us in worship on Sundays and take us farther into our "Generational Church" vision (i.e. that we are actively reaching 18-35 y....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-19-2023    Full Time

Full-time worship pastor to lead contemporary worship service for growing congregation in northwest Tennessee. Job Description:Create a worship environment in which people are free and safe to connect with God in a corporate environment while providing resources and inspiration as they connect with God privately throughout the week.Responsibilities:--Be....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-01-2023    Full Time

We are looking for a missionary heart with food service back ground and experience to oversee our year round food service Realife at Blue Springs. We have two commercial kitchens here that serve two separate areas of ministry. During the Summer Camp season, we will serve about up to 500 a day in our main Blue Springs cafeteria and also about 200 people ....more


Worship Style:


07-24-2021    Full Time

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