Art & Drama Pastor Jobs

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  Youth Pastor - Spotlight Job

Vision: We desire a Youth Pastor who loves God and the Word uncompromisingly. Who is equipped to work with teens and their parents to help them navigate living in a secular culture. This is a mission field that requires a thinker who cares about teens and who desires to equip them for the college years and real life here and now.1) Qualifications:Charac....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-31-2023    Full Time

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Youth Director Job DescriptionPosition DescriptionThe High Sierra Fellowship (HSF) Youth Director proactively manages the youth (pre-18) ministry with emphasis on developing and overseeing the Middle School and High School students. The HSF Youth Director also works closely with parents, adult leaders/staff, volunteers, HSF boards(s), and student leader....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:
Not Specified


10-06-2023    Full Time

Purpose of the Job: To operate and upkeep the broadcast video system at abundant and serve as the director of live video experiences system-wide. To manage, oversee, train, and develop abundant's video staff and volunteer teams system-wide. Manage and oversee the operation of all video production equipment in distributed systems at s Experience ....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


01-18-2022    Full Time

Community Church at Holliston (CCH) is a small, multi-ethnic church located in the heart of Pasadena, CA. CCH is grounded in principles found in the Methodist Church, and is in partnership with a Korean-speaking congregation. Our mission statement is, "Belonging to God. Belonging to one another." Our mission is to grow a ministry of discipleship tha....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


05-19-2023    Full Time

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Art & Drama Pastor Jobs Job openings. Christian churches looking for Art & Drama Pastor Jobs near me.