Evangelical Friends Church Jobs

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Job Details

  Youth Pastor - Spotlight Job

As a thriving church organization, The Intersection Church invests in leadership and expects to make an impact for God's Kingdom. Our Ministry Leaders are a vital part of our vision and development as a community and a family.Colossians 1:28 provides the impetus for our development of ministers: "Him we proclaim! Warning everyone and teaching everyone w....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-08-2023    Full Time

North Olmsted Evangelical Friends Church is searching for a Children's Discipleship Director. The CDD will be responsible for the direction, development, and implementation of programs that will enable children (toddlers through grade 5) and their families to walk in a deeper relationship with Jesus and each other. A full job description can be fou....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

04-12-2024    Part Time

Job Details

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Evangelical Friends jobs, Evangelical Friends churches seeking pastors. Christian vacant churches looking for pastors.