California Church Jobs

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Job Details

  Senior Pastor - Spotlight Job

Is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach the Bible, engage in pastoral care ministries and provide oversight of all areas of the church life.Must be a man who exemplifies godly character in both his private life and public life.Called by God to the ministry with a true servant's heart and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

02-23-2024    Full Time

This position is a lay ministry position; the youth minister may occasionally preach or take another appropriate role in worship, though this is not required. This position is part-time, averaging no more than fifteen hours a week; the annual compensation for this position is currently $15,000. Experience in working with youth in a church or secular set....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


06-15-2021    Part Time

Job Details

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Church Jobs in California, Pastor Jobs in California, near me.