District of Columbia Church Jobs

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The Worship Pastor at CROSSWAY CHURCH is responsible for leading the church family to worship God in spirit and in truth, and in a way that fulfills our mission to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ who go and make disciples. The successful candidate will have a proven track record of working in a setting committed to reaching the unreac....more

1500 - 2000

Worship Style:


05-23-2024    Full Time

The Central Fellowship Church is currently seeking a Youth Leader to serve as part of our ministry team as we extend God's love to the Youth in our church and the community around us. The Youth Leader would be responsible to lead and oversee the spiritual growth and development of the Youth grades 6th – 12th. Other ministry jobs would include assistin....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


09-16-2021    Part Time

Purpose: Waypoint Church is seeking a Worship Leader (Director of Music & Worship) for a mostly contemporary Sunday morning worship service. We are seeking a joyful, humble, and Spirit-led person who eagerly desires to use their God-given vocal and other musical talents and experience for biblically-grounded worship leadership. Hours Per Week: Th....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

04-11-2024    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Washington DC, Pastor Jobs in Washington DC, near me.