New Brunswick Church Jobs

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We are looking for someone who would love leading and developing a team of volunteers that will in turn pour the love of Jesus into our early childhood, elementary, and preteen kids on a weekly basis. Great time management and organizational skills will make the job easier but the heart and soul of this position is someone who loves people and wants to ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


05-12-2022    Part Time

Ministry Skills:* Proven experience in recruiting, leading, and equipping leaders to lead successful groups. * Entrepreneurial personality with a "go-getter" approach to work. * Comfortable communicating from stage.* Able to effectively preach when requested by the Lead Team. * Good administrative abilities and the need to follow-through is extremely im....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

10-17-2023    Full Time

We are looking for a Church Administrator to join our team and help our organization run as efficiently as possible by overseeing daily operations. A Church Administrator's responsibilities include supervising staff and volunteers, managing daily operations and maintaining office supplies and records, coordinating, planning, and executing church events.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


04-18-2023    Full Time

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Church Jobs in New Brunswick, Pastor Jobs in New Brunswick, near me.