Newfoundland Church Jobs

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Job DescriptionThe Assistant/Associate Pastor at Restoration promotes the vision of "exalting God, living restored, and declaring His restoration" to the congregation. The pastor is to be a servant leader to the congregation and an example of Jesus Christ. The pastor will uphold the ministry philosophy and values of the Restoration and develop ministrie....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

09-13-2022    Full Time

The Assistant Director of Children's Ministries is supervised by the Director of Children's Ministries. The Assistant Director is responsible for the tactical elements of programs and activities related to Children's Ministry at Christ United Methodist Church including many weekday and evening events and various other on- and off-site events throughout ....more

over 5000

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

03-03-2023    Full Time

JOB FUNCTION: Oversee the discipleship pathway at LAVC. Create, manage, and oversee spiritual growth opportunities in strategically smaller environments. In addition, this role will administrate local outreach opportunities and men’s events. RESPONSIBILITIES Discipleship Pathway -Create & execute a clear, concise, and impactful discipleship pathwa....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


01-10-2024    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Newfoundland, Pastor Jobs in Newfoundland, near me.