Nova Scotia Church Jobs

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First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA, is seeking a Director of Outreach to plan, supervise, direct, and implement our community outreach per our Vision plan. We desire a person with a passion for people and for serving others. This is a full-time ministry position with specific work hours to be determined in coordination with the ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

06-13-2023    Full Time

Grace Avenue United Methodist Church in Frisco, TX seeks a Director of Finance and Operations. Position is full time. The successful candidate will handle oversight and coordination of all Business Operations of Grace Avenue including: all financial operations (Church member Contributions, Accounts Payable, Banking, Credit Cards, Debt, Financial Reporti....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-28-2022    Full Time

The Church of Christ Uniting is a merged Presbyterian/Methodist Church (merged in 1972) is looking for a Pastor to replace our recently reassigned Methodist Pastor. In addition to the stated salary above, the Church provides a manse/parsonage, which is located two blocks from the Church. The house is a three bedroom ranch style house. The Church is lo....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

09-11-2023    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Nova Scotia, Pastor Jobs in Nova Scotia, near me.