Yukon Church Jobs

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Crossroads Christian Reformed Church is seeking a Part-Time Director of Worship Ministry. The ideal candidate has passion and experience with leading musical worship as well as leading a team of instrumentalists and vocalists. We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in a mostly contemporary style, with some hymns included periodically as appropriate.....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


04-18-2023    Part Time

Our Children's Ministry has been a strength of New Life Community Church for decades. Our previous Children's Ministry Director led the ministry for 21 years! We offer Sunday morning classes and nursery for birth through 5th grade. Every Wednesday, AWANA gets the entire church to itself. Some of our special events include a Christmas musical, community ....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

08-05-2021    Full Time

Are you the person God has prepared for FPC Mesa? We do not know what gifts and talents God has blessed you with, and that you have cultivated, but we are excited to learn. Our congregation is blessed with age and experience; we look forward to collaborating with you to develop a plan to become the church God is leading us to be. We believe God is ca....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

09-11-2023    Full Time

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Church Jobs in Yukon, Pastor Jobs in Yukon, near me.